Monday, October 11, 2010

My thoughts today

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.
- George Bernard Shaw

So my thoughts for today are just happy thoughts!  I woke up this morning and realized how extremely content and joyful I am and for so many reasons.  I have been blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life, a fantastic job, and a full life ahead of me with an open canvas to paint on, and I thank God for all these wonderful blessings. 

So I decided to start posting about day to day things. Like my diet and exercise, my thoughts and outlook on life.  I will share posts on facebook, but mainly these are for me to stay focused and motivated in living my life to its fullest. 

So my 1st goal for today is to stick to the Belly Fat Cure and my WW Points and to get my butt to the gym.  :) 

My second goal is to smile and bring joy to someone today......This weekend I spent time with my friend Angie.  We went to garage sales, and flea markets.   Everywhere we went Angie talked to people, not just about the weather, but about life, their lives and her own life.  She brings joy to people, she remembers their names.   I love this about my friend and I hope that I can be more like her.  :)


  1. This made me smile :) That's so true about Angie! You're both rays of sunshine!

  2. What a beautiful thing to say.. you are alot like Angie already!!!!!We are all lucky to have you and her in our lives!!!!
