Sunday, September 26, 2010

Six Weeks to India

Here goes my first blog entry.  About three years ago, I realized that I was letting a lot of silly excuses keep me from living the life I wanted.  So I decided to do something about it.  I set some goals and changed my outlook on life.  I also asked God to give me a life of adventure and the courage to not let anything hold me back.  Little did I know what I was asking for.  

Since then I have traveled to Europe and Africa and had the courage to face some very difficult things in life, including the ending of a nine year very unhealthy marriage. 

So here is to a life full of adventure!   I was asked a couple of weeks ago if I would go to India for work.  Of course I said yes! So I thought this would be a great opportunity to set some new goals and to start a new blog.

So here is to my random life adventures! :)


  1. I didn't know you and Mike split up. I'm so sorry. :( So is this trip to India for a different organization/company than The Bible Institute? Is it permanent or short-term?

    I think you're awesome, Christine! You really do live an exciting life. Keep blogging about it so we can all share your adventures!

  2. Hi Renee, its a short trip to India for work. I still work at Bible League International. I was working with our Europe/Former Soviet ministries and now got transfered to our Asia ministry area. So now I am learning and will travel to another part of the world. :)
